Angular expressions summary

  1. Square Brackets [] (Property Binding):
  • Used to bind a property of a DOM element to a component property. Example:
   <!-- Binding the 'src' property of an image element to a component property 'imageUrl' -->
   <img [src]="imageUrl">
  1. Parentheses () (Event Binding):
  • Used to bind an event of a DOM element to a component method. Example:
   <!-- Binding the 'click' event of a button to a component method 'handleClick' -->
   <button (click)="handleClick()">
     Click me
  1. Double Curly Braces {{ }} (Interpolation):
  • Used to display the value of a component property in the template. Example:
   <!-- Displaying the value of the 'name' property in a paragraph -->
   <p>{{ name }}</p>
  1. Asterisk * (Structural Directives):
  • Used to apply structural directives like ngIf, ngFor, and ngSwitch in a more concise way. Example (ngFor):
   <!-- Looping through an array and rendering items -->
   <div *ngFor="let item of items">
     {{ item }}
  1. Hash # (Template Reference Variables):
  • Used to create a reference to an element or component in the template, which can be used in the component code. Example:
   <!-- Creating a reference to an input element -->
   <input #myInput>
  1. Round Brackets () in ngFor and ngIf:
  • Used for local variables when using ngFor and ngIf structural directives. Example (ngFor):
   <!-- Accessing the index of the current item in a loop -->
   <div *ngFor="let item of items; let i = index">
     Item {{ i }}: {{ item }}
  1. Pipe | (Pipe Operator):
  • Used for data transformation in templates. It is used to format data before displaying it in the template. Example:
   <!-- Formatting a date before displaying it -->
   <p>{{ currentDate | date:'short' }}</p>
  1. *ngIf and *ngFor (Structural Directives):
  • *ngIf is used for conditionally rendering elements based on a condition. Example (ngIf):
   <!-- Displaying a message only if 'showMessage' is true -->
   <div *ngIf="showMessage">
     This message will be displayed if showMessage is true.
  • *ngFor is used for looping through a list of items and rendering elements accordingly. Example (ngFor):
   <!-- Looping through an array of users and rendering their names -->
   <div *ngFor="let user of users">
     {{ }}
  1. [()] (Two-Way Binding):
  • Combines property binding and event binding to create a two-way data binding. It’s typically used with ngModel for form elements. Example:
   <!-- Creating a two-way binding for an input element using ngModel -->
   <input [(ngModel)]="myProperty">
  1. [ngStyle] and [ngClass]:
    • Used for dynamically applying styles or classes to elements based on component properties or conditions.
    Example (ngStyle): <!-- Applying a dynamic text color based on the 'textColor' property --> <div [ngStyle]="{ color: textColor }"> This text will have a dynamic color. </div>

These examples should provide you with a more detailed understanding of how these expressions are used in Angular templates.


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